solaris august 2006 techno reviews

Andreas Kremer - Meister Aller Klassen –Working Vinyl - WV024
Andreas pulls out another master work here. The first a scranz track that both defines and rocks dancfloors. Second is the more chill trax that begs of a sweet dreams rift blended in. The flip has more of a chill ambient tone then build to the second track that is the speaker killer we all love him for. Take it and enjoy. You wont be disappointed.

Unknown - Somebody's Watching Me – Schranz - SCHRANZ049

This single side is the same as sick as this label has been doing. I am not sure who did this but I love the man or woman for it. This remix beats it with both techno then going into a breaks breakdown to build it back to the floor stomping and groove that will leave people begging and trainspotting for sets to come.

Arkus P - Protonenpower EP – Abstract - ABSTRACT007

This man never rests. His grooves always hits light speed. The hardest Schranz out there. To spice it up the second track is more slow to start with a nice vocal weaved within then works its way back to the throat slashing that he is known for. Crash is a bit less hard but raw and dirty none the less. A must for those times where being uncivilized is the norm. With us when is it not?

Adam Beyer – Stereotypes – Cocoon Recordings - COCOON025

Adam breaks the mold with yet another killer album. Taking it down from the sound I am use to and moving
in to a more chill and progressive techno. The feeling is still nothing less than this master has shown in the past. The flips breakdown reminds me a bit of AFX in style. A must have for those times you are needing to make the ambiance just right.

Guy McAffer & Chris Liberator - Raw 35 – RAW - RAW035

Chris teamsup with the Geezer to make this floor rocker! Nothing less than spectacular rhythm and groove that will keep people shaking all night long. The flip takes a more acid approach that Raw has been known for. Don’t take it lightly. These things are too good to pass up. I wish I could say more, but things like this are better left heard. Trust me. . .


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