backstory update

In case you have not been following along, things have changed a bit.  Writing the backstory was getting a little stale and not really going much of anywhere, just recanting the events of any particular month that was restored.  I put a stop to it.  Eventually, we will get back to that, once I have had a little time to soak in it.  

Beginning with the series related to 2005, when an event is restored it will be posted to a couple of the more prominent social channels.  This will offer an opportunity to focus on the photos again.

Some of those have already begun to appear on another channel.  Kind of like the raves old days, you have to be looking around for it though.  See if you can find it.  

The back story column will return when a few more thoughts are in order, and there is always that random current event that will show up here, so check back.  Otherwise, look for phocas on your favorite social channel for the most up to the minute on the latest of the restoration effort.

There is also an album of all the completely random photos taken along the way, which is always being updated... randomly.  Check out "encounters" for those photos, which appear nowhere else, and photos from events with less than 5 shots.  A few from that album appear below, just to fill the space. 

... wishin U all whirled peas ..


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caffeine music and arts festival 2005

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