northern lights holiday lighting ceremony

The Christmas lighting ceremony at the Zona Rosa Shopping District went off as expected, without complication, and to the immense profit of all involved with the sponsor, St. Luke's Health System.

Hundreds turned out for generally good music, if you discount the occasional caterwauling. Multiple food trucks and tents enabled consumers to enjoy drinks and greasy delicacies at inflated prices.  Additionally, the Mario Brothers, the Grinch, Cindy Lou Who, and of course, Santa Claus made spotlight appearances to help ramp things up for the anti-climactic lighting of an oversized Christmas Tree.

It is a bitter irony that a major healthcare provider in this town has enough profit to put up an event like this, when so many remain unable to afford healthcare, or are currently having their lives destroyed by healthcare costs.  Merry Christmas?

The event supported nothing in particular, unless one considers corrupt capitalism a worthy recipient of donations.


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