cheese resurrection in kansas city

The opportunity arose to enjoy an evening with the recently resurrected John Cleese, a personal long-time comedic hero from across the pond.  He is doing rather well with his recent return from the land of the dead and offered a visit to Kansas City to discuss relevant matters and answer a few questions about his past life.

The discussion, held at the beautiful Kauffman Center, opened with thoughts from his youngest daughter.  While she is funny in her own right, it is entirely different situation.  She is simply not silly enough.  Although, this is likely through no fault of her own.  It has to be difficult to stand in the shadow of a father renowned as the Master of Silly throughout his entire career.  His comedic sense remains unparalleled, except by compadres of the Monty Python class.  

He began with talk of the unique perils associated with the ventures of aging, splicing in snapshots of the Monty Python era.  This led to thoughts on our anxieties and theories about what makes us laugh.  Quickly moving on to a frank discussion of the equally dangerous front of refusing to find humor at our own expense at the hands of "The Woke," John defined precisely how important it is to affectionally laugh at ourselves and one another.

"It gives others a momentary joy of liberation, as we [realize] in that instant that the social rules that constrict our lives so terribly are not actually very important." John stated in a 1989 eulogy to his dearest friend and colleague, Graham Chapman.  The evening nearly closed there, with his reminding us that Graham's motto of pursuing life through anything but "mindless good taste," and a dreadfully dull round of questions from the audience. 

Why indeed do Americans believe everyone from England knows the truth about the death of Princess Diana?  That is just Silly.

. . .

further reading

... yes, we know it says "cheese" ...


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