expedition to the chimacloud

Saya Woolfalk transports visitors into a world of a fictional race of women called the Empathics.  The extensive narrative is one of the more notable works by this contemporary artist, bringing a first time exhibition to Kansas City, beginning First Friday in March.

Her brief film "ChimaCloud" displayed this fantastical world of the Empathics in Times Square recently, along with a virtual sculpture and live performance in Fulton Center and Brooklyn Museum. The experience enabled visors to travel between worlds along the rivers, bridges and subways of the city.

Empathics will introduce their newest groundbreaking technology at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.  This immersive, multimedia exhibition was created for the museum incorporating hybridization, technology, ceremonial rituals, and science fiction themes.

Individual and interrelated works appearing in the Block Building tell the story of the ChimaCloud. The alternative digital universe created by the Empathics in this exhibition draws inspiration directly from the Nelson-Atkins permanent collection.

Opening on March 2019 First Friday in Kansas City, this free exhibition runs through September.  Check out the full schedule available on the web site for The Nelson.

Learn more about Saya Woolfalk, ChimaCloud, Chimatek, and the Empathics as well as some of her other installations at SayaWoolflak.com


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