nice jux-ta-pose

Tomorrow night features another installment of  jux-ta-pose at the increasingly popular Uptown Arts Bar.  This particularly special night of House music with resident Todd Howard, will feature performances by local House legends Pat Nice, Tony Markham and Chris.

These names are synonymous with KC House and are the founders of the House music scene we know and love in Kansas City.  They have kept the faith for longer than I can honestly recall.  Their mixtapes (yes... cassette tapes) still clutter the shelves of my music outpost in the garage, and are frequently recalled when I need a little bit of the real deal.  Honestly, I am surprised that one of them. a THC mix from 1990-something, hasn't disintegrated from all the play time.  I suppose that when it does, I will finally be forced to listen to the digital copy I made for myself and Pat quite a while back.  Perhaps one day, with their permission, we will post some of this stuff up to the MixCloud.

In juxtaposition, another local legend DJ JAH will be banging it out in the upstairs lounge with support from Madamsies and former writer, Chris Mills (Demencha).  Chris worked with the Pitch for awhile after leaving us and then reinvented his own zine Demencha, which has turned out to be a rather good resource for what's going on in and around the local Kansas City music scene.

If you are looking for a break from the typical KC club hopping, but still want to get your groove on to some quality dance music, the Uptown Arts Bar is the place to be.  This is quite a fun little bar too; completely unpretentious, and if you didn't know better you would think you were partying it up in somebody's midtown house.

Besides, where else you gonna get in FREE to hear some of the best dance music that Kansas City has to offer in two rooms, with booming sound and cheap drinks?  Be there... check for full details or just click the flyer above.


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