girls gone wild

Justin Kleinfeld ~ North America’s most popular female breaks DJ, Baby Anne teams up with DC-based DJ/ artist/producer Jen Lasher to deliver Assault & Battery – a death defying 2xCD DJ-mixed compilation capturing Baby Anne’s energetic brand of Florida breaks doing battle with Jen Lasher’s potent mix of electro-meets-industrial. ASSAULT & BATTERY features exclusive new tracks from Baby Anne and Jen Lasher, as well as music from Mylo, DJ Icey, Anthony Rother, The Knife, Wolfsheim, Infected Mushroom and Atomic Hooligan.

Baby Anne has dominated the US breaks scene, with numerous singles and five top-selling mix CDs. Her hi-powered sets of breaks, fused with electro and heavy doses of Miami bass have taken the Orlando-based native from DJ booth to dance floors, coast to coast, performing for her legions of dedicated fans.
With wild energetic stage presence, a funky style, solid production, and live vocals Jen Lasher's earned quite the musical name nationwide. Her mix takes it's influence from both electro and industrial music and includes her single "No More Tears".

The combination of these two DJ's styles, so different and both so edgy will surely make an impact on the world of mixed CDs as we know it. Look for DJ Baby Anne & Jen Lasher kicking ass and taking names in a town near you all Fall/Winter long in support of Assault & Battery!

Assault & Battery Tour Dates featuring Baby Anne and Jen Lasher

10.01.05 - Voodoo Lounge - Ft Lauderdale, Fl
10.08.05 - Sutra Lounge - Atlanta, GA
10.15.05 - Lizard Lounge - Dallas, TX
10.28.05 - Club Five - Washington, DC
11.12.05 - Ocean Club - Jacksonville, FL
11.13.05 - House of Blues - Orlando, FL
11.26.05 - Bicentennial Park - Miami, FL
12.03.05 - The Church - Denver, CO

Assault & Battery Track Listing
CD 1 – DJ Baby Anne
  1. Scratch D feat. Brazen – Throwdown
  2. Baby Anne – Freaks Groove (The Remix!)
  3. Product 01 – I Like It Now
  4. Baby Anne – She’s The Devil
  5. Trixie – 2 Dragons
  6. Mylo – Drop The Pressure (Future Funk Squad Remix)
  7. Malicious Mike – Ding Dong
  8. Roxiller – Fear 2
  9. Baby Anne – Dementia
  10. Jimmy Rhodes – Time Format
  11. Praise Cats – Shined on Me (Trashy Edit)
  12. Influenza – Let Me Fall
  13. Kmfx – Blaze It Up
  14. Misfilter – Want It All (Influenza Remix)
Track Listing
CD 2- Jen Lasher
  1. 1. The Knife – Heartbeats (Original Mix)
  2. Roxanne – Fashion (Extended Mix)
  3. Wolfsheim – Once In A Lifetime
  4. Danmass – Lucid (Original Mix)
  5. Psycho Radio feat. LC Anderson – Sound is Shocking
  6. DJ Mason – The Screeech
  7. Anthony Rother – Father
  8. The Glass – Hear the Music (Nick Moore vs Computer Disco Mix)
  9. Naommon – I Am Not Ashamed
  10. Phil Fuldner pres. Superfaktor – I Don’t Care (Vocal Mix)
  11. Atomic Hooligan – Spitball
  12. Infected Mushroom – Cities of the Future (Violet Vision Remix)
  13. Jen Lasher – No More Tears
  14. Covenant – Dead Stars
For more information, check out or or Rephlektor Inkorporated


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