solaris may 2005 techno

by DJ Solaris ~ Local KC Techno DJ, Solaris is back once again with his picks for some of the hardest and rawest Techno beats for the new year. Always looking for ways to push the limit of your Techno experience, check out these tracks and, courtesy of DJ Solaris.

Recharge - Mark Maitland - RECHARGE029
This is a lot like Guy Mcaffers RAW label. Seems a bit more of a booty house influence on the front while keeping a techno flavor. The flip gives a nice driver that any RAW lover can be proud of.

Headline - Jeff Fernandes & Klitzing - HEAD041
Lovely driver here! The flip is a bit more on the tech house tip, but the breakdown is to die for! This label never fails to impress! As the oriental kid said in Indiana Jones, “Hold on Indy, we are going for a ride!”

Superconductor - Dave the Drummer & DDR - SCON001
What can I say about these two? Nothing but good things! These two have been my idols since I discovered techno. I have never been failed to be surprised by them, just when I think I got an idea what they are about they dig in and pull out all the stops again and tweak the music just a bit more! If only I had a few pages to describe this wax to you and why I believe if you don’t get it you’ll be stabbing yourself in the jugular later because the world just wont mean anything anymore…its ok…really…at least for me, I got this one!

Big Booty White - Unknown - BIGBOOTY002
Don’t let the label distract you. It always seems that the good ones are hard to find. This is defiantly one of them. Hard as nails driver. Great for that time the kids think you just can’t get harder…then well they fall over dead, but they love exhaustion and dancing to death don’t they?

Platform - Splinter Cell feat. Fergie - Moods Vol 2 EP - PLATFORM08
Real nice piece of work here. Just the thing you need to round out your set. Reminds me of a lot of Drumcode’s work. You can never have enough of these in your bag, great for those builds and those nice moments where you want your crowd to coast for a bit. But not too much.

Glitch - Alex Calver - GLITCH008
How can I let a list go by without adding the one of the new line of motivators. Alex drives it home here. You have it all, drivers and a bit of that acid feel, then there is the non mistakable Alex style that infiltrates everything he does. Don’t worry that is a good thing… a real good thing.

Cluster - EZ Riders - CLUSTER71
I think the energizer bunny is supplying this label with crack! I can’t believe the amount of rockers these guys have put out! They just keep going! Let me tell you they never get old either! I have a feeling ill still be buying this label when I turn 90. Who needs a walker anyway?

Cluster is coming out with “Clusterfuck Volume 2”! You know the label and their cd’s don’t fail to impress either. Keep your ears out and your eyes open…!

Tronic - Valentino Kanzyani - TR029
A great groove here! This is a bit more on the Tech-House tip. Nice for that dance floor mayhem. The breakdown is top notch. Builds to get that floor moving, even if you are stuck in a traffic jam.

Definition of Mayhem - Andreas Kremer - DOM04
This man has got to have battery acid in his veins, and razors in his head to make things this bangin’. I think that in all my time the only way to describe this is the time I was outside in a field ½ mile from a tornado touchdown. To bad I didn’t find out till morning…but the storm was about as nuts!

Epoch Worx - Jamie Bissmire, Ben Long - EPOCHWORX002
Great all around wax! Something for every techno head here! From that drum track you have to have, to the nice grooves. Don’t be distracted, I always save the best one for last. That way those of you who read the whole list can find the gold. ‘Nuff said’


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