august 2004 editor note

The cover this month is a photo that Kourtney took while at the Caveman Experience 2. Now that's a real caveman... hehe. The photo to the right, Sherri took while we were on vacation in the Rockies at the end of July. It was friggin cold camping up there. I think it got down to 40 one night. I was wearing my stocking cap on my head like that kid on Fat Albert, down over my eyes and nose. Ahhh, but Colorado Rocky Mountain High. It doesn't get much better. I did go through and put those photos up in a gallery onhere, for a little while, so have a look, post a comment or three and let me know what you think. The Rocky Mountains really are fabulous and if Teddy Roosevelt were still alive I'd give him a big ole' kiss for preserving these lands. If you ever get a chance, definitely go see. It's something you'll never forget.

Anyhow... This month was kind of slim. I have been rather busy with other projects, but I did get out here and there. I played out again at Chakra, which was a lot of fun and I will be returning there in mid-August sometime for a Thursday night. I think the 13th? Speaking of playing. I'll be playing out again at Digital Playground on Aug 6th too. It should be a really fun time!

I need to rant just for a minute though. I stuck around KC for their 4th of July this year and was utterly disappointed. The organizers of that event should be ashamed of theirselves. Those fireworks on the the night of the 4th were PATHETIC! What a waste of my time and OUR tax dollars. I could have stayed in Gladstone and got a better show than that! Just pathetic. I would really be interested in knowing exactly how much they paid for that crap. Kay Barnes really needs to be asking some questions about where and how money was spent on this whole thing. I think somebody went home with some of it in their pocket. And charging to get in to the Air Show? Ugh... whatever... The Air Show the week before at Whiteman AFB was FREE! Just about every Air Show in the area for this month was FREE! The funny part. They don't pay for the venue. They own it. However, they do charge the vendors and now they charge the patrons. Where's all this money going? More questions for Kay to be asking, but she won't.
</end rant>

Back to what's relevant though. Kabal finally re-opened their basement and the dance floor is definteily bigger and looks really great. It's not completely done. They still have some final touches to add, but things are bangin along down there again and the basement at Kabal is now better than ever.

This month's issue is a little slim though. It's vacation month. Everybody is taking that last deep breath before going back to school and work and all the other things that keep our lives entertaining. There is a lot of good shows coming up though. Keep your eyes on the calendar. There are definitely some good times ahead for those that want to really party outside of the Club, as well as some interesting things planned for the clubs around town.

Until Next Time!
& carrots please...



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