rumble on the river pre-party

Invited to the Rumble on the River pre-event rally to photograph a bit for local modeling group BabeXtreme, it was great opportunity to capture a different sort of vibe than the usual rave and club nights.  Bikes,cars and the people that love them were the topic for this late afternoon event in Lees Summit.  Myself and most everyone else rode out to the event.  It was quite a bit of fun, and I got a lot of great photos, but too many to show here. At the bottom of this page, you'll find a link to view all of them.


  1. 07.10.2020 ~ phlashback to one of our most favorite shots of all time captured during a 1st time music and video art presentation from VJ Ones during Videodrome 1.0 ... on this last friday in June, 17 years back this #flashbackfriday ...


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