An all-night rave and camp-a-thon in the woods of southeast Missouri featuring... DaJae - Live Vocalist - Kid Dynomite - Chicago / DJ ESP aka Woody McBride - Communique, Bush , Mile High - Minneapolis / Simply Jeff - Breakbeat Massive CD Release Tour - Phonomental Music, Moonshine - Los Angeles / DJ Champ - Boogie Knights, Powerhouse - San Francisco / Maxwell Edison - Disco House - DusTraxx - Chicago / Dino - Deep House - Boogie Knights - Chicago / The Hot House Sessions (DJ Alexis, Chris Hanson & Friends) - Rue 13 - St Louis / Jim K & Jamie D - DnB Tag Team - Bionic Crew, Revolve Records - St Louis / DJ Booth - Speed Garage - KC / Rob Lee - Trance - KC / Tony Foo Young - Disco Breaks - Kentucky / Bodaleg - Boogie House - Boogie Knights / Dankskii - Doctor Trance - Boogie Knights / DARB - Trance - Boogie Knights / Trevor - Deep Groove - Boogie Knights / Gadjit - DnB - Boogie Knights
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